
Hi, welcome! I am a third year PhD candidate at the University of Edinburgh, supervised by Nadin Kökciyan. My PhD focuses on computational methods to make implicit information explicit in the context of online argumentation. More broadly, I am interested in theories and models of collective reasoning in humans and finding ways that technology can be used to resolve disagreement and encourage better discussion outcomes. I created this blog to work on communicating my ideas and work, currently looking for PostDoc positions, so please get in touch to have a chat!

Recent Posts

  • dialectic and telepathy

    This blog post is a quick run through argumentation, why I think it matters and what I’m trying to do as part of my PhD. Hopefully, I can sned people a link...

  • above water

    I’ve been thinking a lot about discomfort. The idea of putting myself in situations where I’m forced to confront my own limitations. In every story, there is a character at ease in...

  • topological detection of alzheimer's

    My final year undergraduate project explored the relationship between the topology of brain MRIs and neurogeneration. It was completed under the supervision of Rik Sarkar. The goal of this project was...